FAQ 常見問題


Q: 我是否一定要以真實姓名開啟「我的戶口」? 
A: 是的。這樣會方便我們核對您的資料以便加快寄貨程序。

Q: 我可以如何清楚的看我到想訂購的產品分類?
A: 登入sandymama dot com 後, 按入右上方「帳戶」,即可查看你的歷史訂單記錄。

Q: 如果我想知道店上商品在我所在地的貨幣兌換率應該如何呢?
A: 您可以使用我們置於網頁右上方的「貨幣兌換」欄, 點選您的希望知道的貨幣兌換率, 然後網頁會將所顯示銀碼換轉為您所想知的貨幣金額。但請注意,此貨幣金額只供參考使用。本網站是以港元作結算單位。

Q: 如果我想查詢訂購記錄及個人資料等狀況應該如何?
A: 當您登入後,可以在「帳戶」內查看閣下的訂單紀錄/狀態、用戶資料及相關個人資料狀況等。

Q: 一般來說, 下單後需要多少個工作天才收到貨物?
A: 一般而言,由您的訂單被確認完成後計(確認完成是指成功付費後),我們會在三個工作天內寄出您的貨品(星期日/公眾假期及一些特殊日子(如八號風球/黑雨等)郵局不辦公的日子除外), 而一般香港郵政掛號郵件約需時三至五個工作天。海外訂單掛號需時約七至十四日,依看您的所在地而定。 

Modified on January 1, 2016

Q: Is it necessary to use a real name to register an account?
A: Yes. This can help us verify your information more efficiently and deliver the purchased items to you quicker.

Q: How do I view my shopping list?
A: After login, click on "My Account", your shopping list and order history will be displayed instantly.

Q: I want to check the value of an item in my local currency. What should I do?
A: You can first click on the "Currency Exchange" icon in the top right-hand corner of the page, and choose your desired currency. The amount of the item in your desired currency will be shown. Please note that the amount shown is for reference only. All transactions in our online store are calculated in HK dollars.

Q: How do I check my order and personal information?
A: After login, go to “My Account” to check your order history/status, user information and relevant personal profile.

Q: In general, how many working days it takes to receive my order?
A: In general, after you successfully place your order, we will handle and send out the items in three working day (except Sunday, public holidays and when the Post Office is close under circumstances such as typhoon No. 8 and Black rainstorm). For orders in Hong Kong, you will receive your order in three to five working days by registered mail. For international order, your order will arrive in seven to 14 days depending on your destination address.